aluminium produktionsgesellschaft mbh
The focal point in our schedul lies in the area of pre-aluminium material for castings and metallurgical plants, especially according to DIN 1725 (1) (German Industrial Standard), and in the area of deoxidization material for steelworks Al 99,5 % according to DIN 1712 (2).
Our delivery is differentiated into:
1 a)
Al-blocks of a maximum size of 880 x 880 x 420 (length, width, height)
and a weight of approx. 500 - 550 kg per piece
alloys: DIN 1725, special alloys, Al 99,5 % DIN 1712
1 b) aluminium-ingots
Al-blocks of a maximum size of 600 x 140 x 80 (length, width, height)
and a weight of 8 - 12 kg per piece
and a stack-weight of approx. 500 - 600 kg
alloys: DIN 1725, special alloys, Al 99,5 % DIN 1712
2 a) aluminum-desox-single pieces 99,5 % Al, DIN 1712
in shape of pyramid stumps of maximum size of approx. 70 x 80 x 60 (length, width, height)
and a weight of 0.25 - 0.5 kg per piece
- in big bags of approx. 1.200 - 1.500 kg on Euro - or disposable pallets
- loosely in containers of approx. 10. 000 - 25.000 k
2 b) aluminium granules 99,5 % Al, DIN 1712
grainsize approx. 4 - 12 mm
- in sacks of 20 kg and piles of 66 sacks, respectively approx. 1.300 kg on Euro - or disposable pallets, protected by shrunk covers
- in big bags of approx. 1.200 - 1.500 kg on Euro - or disposable pallets
- loosely in containers of approx. 10.000 - 25.000 kg
Concerning the pre-aluminium materials according to DIN 1725 for castings and metallurgical plants we are specialized in aluminium-silicon alloys and in aluminium-magnesium alloys, for example:
alloy-num. 230, G-/ GK-/ GD-Al Si 12
alloy-num. 231, G-/ GK-/ GD-Al Si 12 (Cu)
alloy-num. 233, G-/ GK-Al Si 10 Mg (Cu)
alloy-num. 235, G-/ GK-Al Si 5 Mg
alloy-num. 239, G-/ GK-/ GD- Al Si 10 Mg
alloy-num. 260, G-/ GK- Al Si 12 Cu Ni Mg
alloy-num. 241, G-/ GK- Al Mg 3 (Cu)
alloy-num. 242, G-/ GK- Al Mg 3
alloy-num. 243, G-/ GK- Al Mg 3 Si
alloy-num. 244, G-/ GK- Al Mg 5
alloy-num. 245, G-/ GK- Al Mg 5 Si
alloy-num. 341, GD - Al Mg 8 (Cu)
alloy-num. 349, GD - Al Mg 9
Special alloys of any kind concerning the aluminium-silicon alloys and the aluminium-magne-sium alloys are available on customer`s request. On basis of a framework contract we keep a quantity of your ordered alloy on stock and we are able to deliver 10.000 to 25.000 kg on call within one week.
Not in our schedule are the often used aluminium alloys
alloy-num. 225 and 226 according to DIN 1725.
We would be very happy to answer any enquiries concerning alloys, range of alloys, and types of delivery.